The upperclassmen had previously told us babies that everybody in the group dresses in flair (see my first post) for the baby show, so on the night of the show the other freshmen and I show up to Collis ( looking completely ridiculous.
I was wearing:
- Orange swim trunks
- A stretchy, skin-tight, blue polka-dotted shirt
- A shiny pink vest
- Elmo slippers
- A tiger hat meant for a child, complete with ear-flaps
- Angel wings
Again, I looked ridiculous.
Soon after meeting up with the rest of the group, we quickly found out that the other group members had somehow "forgotten" their flair in their rooms and had all coincidentally decided to dress in jeans and black shirts. Of course that makes sense. They had successfully tricked us, but I didn't care at all. Flair is so common at Dartmouth, people get used to seeing giant banana suits (not even joking) walk through FoCo (the food court). Besides, it was my first time wearing flair, so I felt like I had successfully completed a Dartmouth rite of passage.
When we got to Sigma Delt (a local sorority; we have shows at fraternities/sororities multiple times a term), the place was PACKED. We could barely squeeze through the door, and once we entered, everybody started cheering and screaming. The atmosphere was electrifying, and the place erupted after every song. The other babies and I performed Justin Bieber's "Baby" with new lyrics to introduce ourselves to the crowd, and I swear we would have gotten cheers just from smiling -- the atmosphere was that exciting.
And this definitely wasn't unique to my a capella group. I went to a lot of the other freshman shows, and every one had the same kind of turnout.